Where the Denver Airport went wrong

Case Study:
The Sky High Price of Technical Baggage at Denver Airport

            The opening of the Denver International Airport was delayed by sixteen months because of technical difficulties experienced in the baggage handling system (de Neufville, 1994). The project exceeded $5 billion to build, and the delays in opening the airport resulting from the baggage handling system was estimated to cost the taxpayers $271 million per year. This figure did not include the investment costs to stakeholders like United Airlines at $261 million, Continental $73 million, and opportunity costs to the airlines of around $50 million.

            Conspiracy theorists deem that the failed baggage system is merely a government cover-up of underground bunkers created for the protection of the Illuminati inside the depths of the Rocky Mountains (Hoeller, 2015). In the case study of the failure of the project, there is far more to the catastrophe than a conspiracy. This paper will examine the project from the software development perspective. This paper will investigate how the baggage handling system failed, how those failures could have been prevented with proper development techniques, and will cultivate lessons from it so that one can prevent those types of failures from happening in the future.

            BAE Systems was responsible for the implementation of this massive state-of-the art project at the Denver International Airport. There were many stakeholders in the Denver Airport Baggage Handling System Project. Some of the key stakeholders included: The City of Denver and the taxpayers who funded the city, the airlines, hotel developers, UPS, FedEx, and the millions of passengers wishing to travel to and from Denver (Unknown, 2015).

The first sign of a problem was that the airlines were not on board with the project, and so the City of Denver forced their hands by asking BAE Systems to construct a baggage delivery system using generic technology. This meant that BAE Systems was charged with a task to complete a project without the support or approval of the airline stakeholders. The City of Denver reasoned that by continuing on with the project, that the reluctant airlines would eventually have to acquiesce to whatever baggage handling system they were given.

Without being able to work with the airlines to identify user needs, BAE Systems was charged with the insurmountable task of designing a system blind. The elicitation process was eliminated, because the actual users would not contribute to the project. BAE Systems then had to use feedback they had from other clients, whose needs may or may not even align with the users from the existing project.

The next mistake made was that the project was mismanaged. Walter Slinger was the Chief Engineer who was responsible for the construction of the airport (Calleum 2008). As he is a Civil Engineer, he was concerned more with the construction of the building than the baggage handling system inside it, however, he charged himself with making leadership decisions with BAE Systems because he was aware that the project was on a tight schedule. He did not waste time getting advice from third party experts, he made decisions and asked BAE Systems to implement them.

Another failure of the project was that the enormity of the project scope was not considered in context with the schedule. An independent contractor was hired to determine the feasibility of the project, and they advised against it. Still, BAE Systems continued with the project because they wanted company growth and the prospect of future work with other airports. It was the Peter-Principal in full effect: the company was promoted to their level of incompetency (Peter 1969). BAE Systems had compelling reasons to want this massive project – money, notoriety, and brand recognition – but what they failed to enforce was the basics of technological project management. They failed to define the scope of the project in the context of the available time and money allocated to them.

By the time the airlines decided to participate in the design of the system, much of the programming had already been done, resulting in numerous change orders being submitted to try to get the project back on track with what the airlines needed. It’s very difficult to address user needs and requirements after the software architecture has been designed. This created a situation where BAE Systems was having to rewrite the programming again, making changes, and finding the bugs to the changes as they surfaced. This greatly affected the scope, cost, and schedule of the entire airport project.

Another key element was the failure of BAE Systems to consult with physical engineers. The baggage handling system could not handle the sharp turns, velocity, and other mechanical problems. Couple the physical limitations of the system with the technical glitches of trying to scan the barcodes of non-stationary items (the bag tags) in the 26-mile stretch of track the bags were carried upon, BAE Systems really did not stand a chance. When the luggage was forced through the baggage system, the baggage was ejected from the cart, busted open, and sometimes completely blocked the path for the remaining bags. There wasn’t a secondary plan in place to deal with the physical limitations of the extracted luggage. There wasn’t a plan in place to even deal with the stoppage of the carts.

At last, the Denver International Airport opened and attempted to use the baggage system, but later stopped using it because it was costing more money to operate than it would to use the traditional conveyor system methods. If I would have been in charge of the project, I would have told the City of Denver at the outset that their time restraint goals and budget were too lofty for the tasks at hand. Further, I would have stated that the project could not be undertaken without the full consent and support of the airlines that would use it. Additionally, I would have required an independent study of civil and mechanical engineers’ opinion of the suggested baggage handling system. Without the input of the stakeholders, the project could not succeed, even with the city taxpayer’s financial support.

      I believe the project was outsourced because the project manager was well aware that the baggage handling system would be a major undertaking, and because he knew he didn’t have time to build the airport and also design the baggage handling system. One of the most important things a successful person needs to realize is when to retreat. This project was to be the largest, most complex, most innovative baggage delivery system known to man. BAE Systems rushed to be the provider extraordinaire, ignoring the warning signs, the independent study, and the reluctance of the airlines. Their hunger for the project was ferocious, their ambition felt limitless, and they wanted this more than anything else. They had admirable goals, but their ambitions were destined for failure.

      The project caused airport opening delays, massive cost increases, inconvenience to potential travelers, and a media frenzy. It was supposed to be one of the most successful technological moves of the era – but ended up being one of technology’s costliest lessons in what not to do. The massive project failed.

      In a final move, the airport decided to open with limited use of the baggage handling system, and ultimately United Airlines decided to forego the system entirely. The operational costs were just too high, and the standard baggage handling methods were more effective and less costly. The New York Times described the end, “…in an anticlimactic moment marked and mourned by just about nobody, the only airline that ever used any part of the system will pull the plug…” (Johnson, 2005). He continued with quoting United, “Workers with hand-held scanners, checking baggage bar codes at every juncture of transit, will give managers far better information and control than could have been imagined when the automated system was designed…” (Johnson, 2005).

      Overall, the project was a huge disappointment. All the time and money in the world couldn’t overcome the failures that started at the outset of the design and plagued the system to the death. The lesson learned is that thorough requirements elicitation, scope control, and project planning are some of the most important pieces of any software project planning.


Calleum, C. (2008). DIA Baggage. Retrieved April 26, 2016, from http://www5.in.tum.de/~huckle/DIABaggage.pdf
 De Neufville, R. (1994, December). The Baggage System at Denver: Prospects and Lessons. Retrieved April 3, 2016, from http://ardent.mit.edu/airports/ASP_papers/Bag System at Denver.PDF
Hoeller, S. (2015, October 16). People have all sorts of conspiracy theories about Denver's airport - here's why. Retrieved April 03, 2016, from http://www.businessinsider.com/denver-airport-conspiracy-theories-2015-10
Johnson, K. (2005, August 27). Denver Saw the Future. It Didn't Work. Retrieved April 27, 2016, from http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/27/us/denver-airport-saw-the-future-it-didnt-work.html?_r=0
Peter, L. J., & Hull, R. (1969). The Peter principle. New York: W. Morrow.
 Unknown, J. (2015, September 26). The Denver International Airport Story or Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About How Not to Run a Project (final) -. Retrieved April 26, 2016, from http://www.jpstewartassociates.com/the-denver-international-airport-story-or-everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-how-not-to-run-a-project-final/
